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Мужчина, 38 лет, родился 1 сентября 1986
Кызылорда, готов к переезду (Актау, Алматы, Астана, Атырау), готов к командировкам
Branch Director
- Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день
Опыт работы 18 лет
Июнь 2012 — по настоящее время
12 лет 10 месяцев
Kyzylorda branch, "MODA MIX" womenswear, menswear and children's clothing (Kyzylorda)
Store Manager
- Personnel’s work organization.
- Store profit analysis;
- Tracking and monitoring the competitors;
- calculation of salary for employees;
- supervision of goods transfer and assortment;
- recording material values;
Resolving administrative issues;
- resolution of conflict situations in store (shop);
- conducting time sheets;
- supervision on cashing-up sheet;
- increasing sales scope;
- conducting planned and non-planned inventories;
- developing day off schedules;
- supervision on transportation of goods in the salesroom;
- working on Clients’ claims;
- analysis of sales promotion;
- management of permanent operation of the store (shop);
- opening a store from the ground up;
- supervision on the appearance of employees;
- conducting fixed accounting and submission to the management;
- analysis of accounting
Июнь 2009 — Июнь 2012
3 года 1 месяц
"Dan-Ai Services" LLP
Deputy Director
Management financial and economic activities of an enterprise, namely business logistics, sales of products (provision of services).
Coordination of development and preparation of prospective and current plans of business logistics and sales of products (provision of services), financial plans.
Organization of business logistics of an enterprise, activities on storage, transportation and sales of products (provision of services).
Август 2007 — Июнь 2009
1 год 11 месяцев
“Orda Luxe” LLP. Construction materials
Sales Manager – Chief Storekeeper
Giving recommendations and consulting managers and specialists on financial planning, sales; supervision of their work.
Supervision on financial and economic indicators of enterprise activities, as well as expenditure and finances, goods movement.
Development of fixed accounting.
Control on availability and regularity of fire suppression equipment, condition of rooms (buildings), equipment and devices in the warehouse and enabling their timely repair.
Participation in inventory of commodities and materials.
Negotiations on behalf of enterprise with counteragents on economic and financial deals, making contracts on behalf of the enterprise, enabling implementation of contractual commitments.
Participation at fairs, trades, exhibitions on advertisement and sales of products (goods, services).
Апрель 2007 — Август 2007
5 месяцев
“Palmon – Kazakhstan” LLP. Kyzylorda, Goods for “Yeralash” chain stones — Goods for kids
Sales agent
- Development and organization of pre-sale activities on creation of conditions for orderly sale of products, meeting demands of consumers for the goods.
- Finding potential and prospective consumers of products (wholesale and retail enterprises, other dealers, etc.)
- Handling negotiations on sales with consumers in the following directions: presentation of general data on the goods and their properties; introduction of goods assessment criteria, valuable for sales; elimination of suspicions in non-profitable features of the goods; informing on demand for the goods and recommendations of consumers about the goods; determination of potential demands of consumers, etc.
Обо мне
Participated at training courses on psychology. Objective: Aimed attitude to everyone depending on individuality.
Organization of pre-sale activities on creation of conditions for orderly sale of products, meeting demands of consumers for the goods.
Высшее образование
Kyzylorda state university named Korkyt Ata, Kyzylorda
Physicist and informatics
Знание языков
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения