«Sicim S.p.A» Kazakhstan Branch, Prorva
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QA/QC Civil Inspector (Prorva)
* Near Shore Excavation 63km to 65.5km;
* Cargo Offloading Facility;
* Cargo Storage Facility Main Civil and Underground works.
• Piling Activity:
Receiving inspection of piles: checking all related documents; type of piles according with project drawings; visual condition and bitumen painting of the pile; repair (if required);
Checking Survey Report before augering of boreholes and pile driving;
Pre-auguring Inspection;
Pile Driving Inspection;
Pile Head Cropping Inspection;
Pile Testing: PIT (Pile Integrity Test); DLT (Dynamic Load Test); SLT (Static Load Tests);
• Earthworks:
Sampling and testing for determination of soil type from Borrow Pits, Marine Channel;
A1 soil sampling from borrow pit, stockpile and Marine Channel and testing in laboratory;
A1 soil testing on the site: backfilling of access roads, pipeline, foundations, precast concrete structures, construction areas up to final elevation (proctor, compaction test (by Troxler), sieve analysis, CBR)
C1 mixture sampling from stockpile and testing in laboratory;
C1 mixture testing on the site: backfilling of access roads; foundations, construction areas up to final elevation and Open Storage Area (proctor, compaction test (by Troxler), sieve analysis, CBR).
• Concrete works:
Pre-Pouring Inspection (check rebar, formwork, dimensions, cleaning and embedded details);
Check the deviations of formwork, embedded plates and anchor bolts as per Survey Report;
Pouring of foundations, pits, tanks and big concrete structures: Communication Tower / Winches and Sheaves / Relief Decks (continuous pouring up to 1000m3 concrete in one time);
Control of surface finishing and curing.
• Incoming control:
Receiving inspection of incoming materials with Client (visually checking type of material in accordance with material request; material condition; packing);
Checking the material certificates; passports; delivery notes; packing lists.
• Batching Plant:
Storage control and testing of incoming materials: sand, cement, aggregates, admixtures;
Making Trial Mix for B-15 Lean Concrete and Summer/Winter types of B-25 Concrete prior to using and when the season changes;
Control and testing of trucks with concrete prior to sending on the site (slump test; temperature);
Control of Compressive Strength Tests of cube samples after 7/28 days in laboratory;
Maintenance and update of Concrete Log and submit to Client.
Pouring of precast concrete structures (cover slabs; hydrant supports; road slabs) and preparing passports for them.
• General:
Quality control of construction and installation works; compliance with technical regulations, construction rules and regulations, technical specifications and construction practices; quality control of materials and items, their conformance with the specified requirements.
Carrying out of inspection of buildings and facilities during construction period and upon its completion.
Monitoring the performance and overall progress of construction inspection to ensure adherence to the quality control program.
Control of subcontractor, maintenance records and further submission to Client.
Assists and verify construction activities if works done according to approved drawing and project specification requirements and inform client QC thru NFI for final inspection.
Maintenance and update of registers (NFI, DSR, NCR, Concrete Log, Project Material, A1 soil & C1 mix Register).